PSBA is partnering with Stevie Van Zandt to offer TeachRock, a full-day professional development event for PA educators

Vector of a business man hand holding a dollar banknote bridging the gap in primary education for children passing by
More than 77% of Pennsylvania’s Public School Districts Have Adopted a Charter Reform Resolution

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) and the Keystone Center for Charter Change highlighted today that 387 of the 500 Pennsylvania school districts have adopted a charter reform resolution. School officials are building steam behind the…

A wide angle view of an organised and tidy classroom in a school
PSBA Applauds the Updated Vaccine Plan for Education Professionals

After advocating for Pennsylvania’s teachers and school personnel to receive priority in receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) is pleased with Gov. Wolf’s announcement today to…

PSBA Announces the Launch of the Keystone Center for Charter Change

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) announced today, the launch of the Keystone Center for Charter Change. PSBA has long advocated on behalf of its membership—the public school districts of the…

Covid-19 vaccination record card with vials and syringe.
PA Education Associations Call on Wolf Administration to Prioritize COVID-19 Vaccine for School Staff

Pennsylvania education associations representing educators, support professionals, superintendents, business managers, principals, intermediate units, career and technical school administrators, and school boards today called on Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration to make…

Aerial view of downtown Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
PSBA’s Response to Governor Wolf’s Proposed 2021-22 State Budget

The Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) released its response to Governor Wolf’s proposed 2021-22 state budget. The Governor’s proposal shows that he has assessed and understands the significant and critical needs of…

Over 300 Pennsylvania School Boards Adopt Resolutions for Charter Funding Reform

Between 2018 and 2019, Pennsylvania school districts spent over $2 billion in taxpayer money on mandatory payments to brick-and-mortar and cyber charter schools. The school boards from over 300 school districts across…

PSBA Statement on Latest State Guidance

The additional guidance released today by the Department of Health (DOH) and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) was needed and warranted and we trust this information will be helpful…